Thursday, November 20, 2008

Which Angels?

So, what are you
He asks
That’s a loaded question
Won’t admit it but
Can’t deny
Why are you so scared?
What the hell difference does it make
If opposites attract
Or if like likes like?
(For some reason
It seems like
A whole world of it)
(I blame the world)
Won’t admit it but
Can’t deny
So many questions
Lurking and questioning
And yeah,
There’ve been a few times
But what does that mean?
What does any of it mean?
Why does so much ride on the s
Or the lack thereof?
Won’t admit it but
Can’t deny
You don’t think it matters
Some days the sky is up and
Some days its down
Nothing really changes
No one really notices
But you wonder what that down sky
Feels like
Tastes like
Won’t admit it but
Can’t deny
That although all sky is unfamiliar
Maybe because
You’d like to taste each one
You stare off into each one
(All you want to do is fly)
Won’t admit it but
Can’t deny
As long as you can fly,
Who cares?
Who needs a label
Interfering with their wings?
Up or down,
Left or right,
Now or then,
Plus or minus,
Dark or light,
Hard or soft
You’ll let angels come as they may
And take them as they are.

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